Choosing your imagery

Selecting the right imagery is important for the space and what it’s going to be used for. There are some views which will work in most environments and provide the most open association for people. For instance, these can be images which have a more “generic” reference to nature (certain trees, certain pathways, some sea or stream water images) which will encourage connection for the widest number of people. There are other images which can act as triggers to stimulate imagination, deep thought, clarity, f

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In the area where the temperature is often slightly warmer than the rest of the office, having images associated with cooler and refreshing environments is positive. Water, mountain and woodland views help cognitive refreshment.

Water also has the associated sound in our minds, which helps create “white noise” in our minds, to let go of thoughts and let the noise flow over us. Useful for meditation and being present in the moment. They say that the sound of running water can improve the neural waves in our brain, helping with a calm mind and thought processes.

Views of waterfalls also conjure awe in us and the vastness of a view helps encourage positive social behaviour, support, calmness, altruism. Also life satisfaction, and also work satisfaction as time seems to slow down and things feel plentiful. It also encourages no fear.

Also if we have experienced water falling on us, and it is likely everyone has when they are in the shower, the negative ions released by a waterfall in particular make us feel happy, the ions go into our bloodstream and increases serotonin, which makes us happy. There is a suggestion that views of waterfalls also encourage that “memory” in our bodies. 

There is also a meditation that people do, where when they are stressed, they imagine walking by a waterfall and imagine all the sounds of frogs, birds, waters, smells in the fresh air, the touch of the water on us. Having the visual is a positive enhancer of this.

A still cool blue lake, while of course relaxing, stills the mind, allowing the mind to wander, think outside the box, imagination to fly. The blue is calm, the eye can travel beyond the “here”. In mythology these are places of transformation.

Introverts prefer mountains. Looking out through wooded terrain and onto the remoteness and quietness of a mountain view is a positive place for those who are more introverted. But even “extroverts” preferred the mountains when they want to decompress alone. 

Bluebells in dappled sunlight are one of the “perfect” Biophilic Design views, they create the views of a perfect spring day, a clearing, some shelter in the form of the trees, and the pathway through it, so you can step into it. This is good for conversations, slightly more social interaction, free thinking, open minded. In mythology, fairies were said to rest in bluebells, which also triggers imagination stimulus and creativity. .

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